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2. First, they showed me a scene when Toru Okada, a protagonist, contemplates in a well and Mei Kasahara talks to him from above the well. Toru is played by two actors: Songha and Daichi Watanabe. However, the casting is not on a daily rotating basis. They play a single role in turn, or simultaneously, to express the equivocalness of Toru. In this scene, they appear on stage together and play Toru by intertwining their limbs. Then they get separated gradually, so I imagined how hard it would be for them to move smoothly.

The director spoke to Japanese-speaking actors in English through a translator. It is difficult to explain how to move and turn one’s body in either language, but both the director and the translator did it well. I also admired actors, who do not have a script with them and have to remember what the director says without writing it down.

An action is suggested, carried out and fixed in a rehearsal. During this process, the actors earnestly and amiably worked on a rehearsal.

3. During a 15-minute break, staff members fixed the stage set. Again, I actually felt the production coming to life. Also, the two actors who play Toru and the actor who plays Mei reviewed the previous scene. I perceived these actors’ earnestness. 

4. After the break, they showed me costume coordination for dancers. Dancers tried dancing with their costumes, and then the length and shape of the costumes were adjusted. By seeing such a process, I thought the costumes might be changed again, so it was a rare opportunity to see them at this point.

5. Next, they showed me a scene when Toru and Kumiko, his wife, talk on the phone. In the novel by Murakami, they communicate through computers, but the change was made to make a stage production. While Toru and Kumiko are talking, dancers move the walls surrounding them to express a distorted world.

At the beginning of the scene, Toru tries to answer the phone, but he can’t because his body doesn’t move in the way he wants. In a rehearsal, the director showed how he struggles by acting by herself. Although it was not as much as dancing, she as a director and choreographer asked for a particular action and the actor responded to it. I felt good communication between them beyond the barrier of different languages.

Toru’s struggle seems to be somewhat comical, but when he finally answers the phone, his voice sounds calm, serious and nervous. I was amazed at the actor’s versatility.

While Toru and Kumiko are talking, dancers move walls, and then they dance. Seeing this part of the scene, I found the stage set impressive. In this production, there is a raked stage, which makes it easier for audiences to see what’s happening on the stage. I supposed the raked stage was also effective in expressing an unstable world along with the movable walls when I saw dancers rolling with gravity.

6. Through the rehearsal, I saw the process closely where the company created the production, such as actors’ and dancers’ practice on action and choreography, adjustment of costumes and stage sets by staff members, and so on. When performed at a theatre, what audiences see is a kind of finalized version of a production. However, by seeing the rehearsal, I noticed it is interesting to know or imagine the process before the finalized one. From now on, I can enjoy any productions, including The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and also other stage performances, twice: by experiencing them at a theatre and by thinking about the handmade process in a rehearsal.

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